加厚橡膠環帶  (一次硫化真正環帶)   One Off Vulcanised Rubber Belts With Additional Covers 點擊圖片放大

加厚橡膠環帶  (一次硫化真正環帶)   One Off Vulcanised Rubber Belts With Additional Covers


加厚橡膠環帶汎指各類平面或是有齒的橡膠環帶,基於各種工業用途須要,在基帶背部黏著一層已經硫化的加厚層,來滿足不同厚度,硬度,表面特徵的客戶需求。最廣汎的做法就是使用粘膠粘接,再進行接圓,打磨,使之成爲客戶須要的最終產品。由於此類產品多數都是後製再加工的程序,因此;該類產品必然有質量控制的隱憂。另外,因爲後製的關係,每次的加工界面必然潛藏品質方面的瑕疵, 例如分層的可能或是接頭失敗的可能性。這些都是廣汎存在的狀況,它既影響客戶的使用效益,也承受著較短使用壽命的缺陷。


FRX-45, 1350x25x8MM, 6 pcs: 這個就是紅色加厚橡膠,硬度45,總厚度8毫米,1350 mm L, 25 mm W 摺紙盒機喂入端輸紙帶。歡迎進一步查詢,info@transpowerbelt.com

One Off Vulcanised Rubber Belts With Additional Covers

Our main focus on this series of seamless rubber belts, that consist of flat truly endless belts and nearly whole range of timing belts, is that we have the base belts and the additional rubber covers vulcanised at the same time when they were both raw in the forms of the engineered compounds. Thus, the finished belts with additional rubber covers are trouble free from the possible joint failures or delimitation between the base and the additional cover. That proves that the belts as such are much better than those which made out of after-fabrication processes in industrial applications such as higher speed operations and more complicated driving constructions. Contact us for more details at  info@transpowerbelt.com